Sunday, December 14, 2008

Columpio - Gerardo Diego

God, forever I couldn't figure out this poem, playing yes and no, and then I got it, suddenly, when I realized it was included in love poems...pulling off the petals of flowers, shes loves me, she loves me not...duH!
-and I just got that last image, harlequin birds, the petals of the flowers are like clownish fluttering birds (I think)

A caballo en el quicio del mundo
un soñador jugaba al sí y al no

Las lluvias de colores
emigraban al país de los amores

Bandadas de flores

Flores de sí

Flores de no

Cuchillos en el aire
que le rasgan las carnes
forman un puente


Cabalgaba el soñador
Pájaros arlequines

cantan el sí

cantan el no

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