Sunday, November 16, 2008

Good Call, Von Cookie

And you reminded me of one that I'd forgotten which kinda goes with your Ortega quote.
Guillermo de Torre says una imagen es: “el protoplasma primordial, la substancia celular del nuevo organismo lírico…la dinamo motriz, suscitadora del circuito de sugerencias…el reactivo colorante de sus precipitados alquímicos…nuclealmente, el fijo coeficiente valorador de la ecuación poemática creacionista.”


vC said...

Dude, Nacho, necesito saber donde sacaste esa cita tan apta y necesaria para mi tesis. "Literaturas Europeas de vanguardia"? Send me an email... That quote *totally* pertains to the chapter I'm working on right now.

Rock on with the blog--it's an awesome idea and you're doing a great job.

Nacho said...

It's from Dru's class, "Interpretaciones criticas de nueva estetica: alquimia y mayeutica de la imagen creacionista" is the title of the artile, in Cosmopolis IX 1920, but I have a copy of it in my reader from his class too, I will make you a copy. I figured you might like it.

And that's for the positive feedback, today's been one of those days I desperately need it.